At the beginning of the year I had the great privilege to go on an amazing journey to Kenya, to document the work of the Romanian Missionary priests. Working with the Missionary priests meant that we were able to get deep inside places that otherwise would be hidden from the ordinary tourist. Everything about this trip filled me with awe. Everything was so different, beautiful and new, and so far from anything I had experienced before: from the red-yellowish color of the sand to the acacia trees standing still in the scorching sun in the middle of nowhere; the clear dark sky with its myriad bright stars to the haunting call of hyenas on the steep mountain. But the best of all was meeting the local people, talking to them and sharing their food; visiting children in numerous creches and schools and learning about their routine, about their needs and difficulties and last, but not least, witnessing the amazing and vital work carried out by the Romanian Missionaries who are helping communities and families in their daily lives. And in spite of everything the resilience of these people is inspiring, and the smiles of the children so endearing. I hope that some of these photographs will help raise awareness about the great work that is being done here.
All the photographs are for sale and all the proceeds are going towards the mission in Sololo, Northern Kenya.